WordPress Management
URL & Permalink Management
Resolving WordPress 404 Errors: Permalink and .htaccess Troubleshooting Guid
Diagnose and fix 404 errors caused by permalink issues, including .htaccess troubleshooting and prevention strategies.
Creating Redirects in WordPress: cPanel and Plugin Methods
Learn how to create and manage URL redirects using cPanel's built-in tools or WordPress plugins while maintaining SEO value.
Database Management
How to Connect Your Remote Database to WPCloud MySQL
Connect Your Remote Database to WPCloud MySQL
WordPress Management
Guide to Changing PHP Versions Using CloudLinux PHP Selector
A straightforward guide for safely changing PHP versions using CloudLinux PHP Selector, with emphasis on HardenedPHP security features.
Increasing WordPress Memory Limit: A Two-Step Process
Complete guide for increasing WordPress memory limits through PHP Selector and wp-config.php modifications to resolve fatal memory errors.
PHP Configuration
How to Change PHP max_input_vars Using CloudLinux PHP Selector
Step-by-step guide to safely increase PHP max_input_vars limit for handling complex forms and large data submissions.
How to Increase WordPress Upload File Size Limit
Guide for safely increasing WordPress file upload size limits using cPanel's CloudLinux PHP Selector, with best practices and troubleshooting tips.
How to Increase PHP Memory Limits for WordPress
Comprehensive guide on checking and increasing WordPress memory limits, with both self-service steps and support-assisted options.
Configuring PHP Modules for AVIF Support on WPCloud
How to enable required PHP modules for AVIF image support using CloudLinux PHP Selector.